Monday, August 6, 2007

Lapping Lake Victoria

(A big thanks to my sister, Robyn, who took the time to highlight my route on the picture above)

Seeing as though I have already disgraced all of blog nation with my lack of posting I've decided to do one massive update and bring you all up to speed as to what the hell I've been up to (which, if I'm understanding this concept correctly, is sort of the idea of a blog anyway).

I have spent the past 1 1/2 months running (as opposed to swimming mainly due to the parasitic madness - i.e. Bilharzia, and Guinea worms that call Lake Vic their home) around Africa's largest body of fresh water, Lake Victoria while passing through Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Congo, Burundi and Tanzania. Last week I took a train from the the coastal city of Dar Es Salam, Tanzania to Malawi in order to adopt a child...j/k, but you would be shocked at how many locals were asking about that ordeal with Madonna. ("hey mister, you here to get baby like Madonna?"). I then spent the past couple days on the road from Malawi to Zambia and am currently in the capital of Lusaka. Plans are to keep heading south to Vic Falls tomorrow and then pass through Namibia for a couple days while in route to Cape Town.

After finishing the press conference, parade and ceremonial dinners in honor of my Cairo to Capetown journey j/k, I've decided to take some "time off" from living the hard life over the past 4 months:) and "leisurely cruise" up the Southern coast of South Africa. I'll finish my Africa journey by flying around Southern Africa with my brother, Ryan while attempting as many death defying stunts we can pack into one week (j/k Kari). If I make it out of that week alive I should get back to Chicago the first week of September (that is taking into consideration that I don't have anymore PR gigs to hit up prior to leaving:)

So there it is, the big update. I apologize those few dedicated fans for my few and far between updates. I hope to add some details (i.e. what I was actually doing while traveling through those countries) in my next post (which at this rate might not be until late September:). All the best!


Blogger DouglasSchaefer said...

Gough- are you going to be able to sign up on the Yahoo site for fantasy football or do you want me to do so for you. If so, I need your yahoo username and password. Also, I mentioned to Dustin that you might be asking him to draft for you when I saw him last weekend. If not, you can always prerank your players. Let me know what you're planning.

August 11, 2007 at 7:26 AM  
Blogger cindy zimmerman said...

I love ready your blog. Are you homesick yet? What is the first thing you want to do when you are back in the usa? You may not want to answer that.
your trip sounds awesome....stay healthy and stay safe...better yet come home.
love, Cynthia

ps. happy belated birthday 30'th. Welcome to the offical world of adulthood....the party is over. so sorry.

August 12, 2007 at 9:30 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The blog lives! :) Good to hear that you had time to see more countries after all. I just bought my ticket to Zambia (take two). Here's hoping nothing goes wrong this time and I'll actually make it there. :)
Enjoy the rest of your trip!

August 12, 2007 at 12:04 PM  

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