Thursday, June 14, 2007

Tribal Boobs

OK, I know your thinking I've hit a new level of immaturity (which is partially true) considering most of you had to immediately close this blog upon initially seeing the boobs. In my defense I would like it dually noted that wonderful publications such as National Geographic have printed countless pictures of breasts and all for a good cause mind you. Even though my blog may not be able to quite reach the status of a National Geographic, my tribal boob photo does serve the same cause (well kind of). And let's face it, it wouldn't be a trip to Africa if I didn't include a tribal boobs pic. Not the mention the fact that this shot pails in comparison to some other porn you guys are sending around the internet, sicko's :)

This poster was actually up on the wall in one of my hotel room in Addis Ababa which lends the mind to wonder what type of place I was staying in...let's just say that there were hourly rates available. Fortunately or unfortunately I wasn't the one making the walls rattle in the middle of the night :)

Down to my last days in Ethiopia as plans are set to head to Kenya for a short stint and then off to Uganda. I have definitely been pleasantly surprised by the diverse and adventurous travel that Ethiopia has to offer (both inside and outside of their hotels). I know it's early in my trip, but I think it will definitely be tough to knock Ethiopia from the top contender for the highly sought after travel award - Cairo-to-Capetown's Diamond in the Rough Award.

Next up: my full Ethiopia review and arrival into the not so hospitable capital of Kenya, Nai-robbery.


Blogger Rob said...

Why did we know this topic was coming? You do "National Geographic" and your family proud!

Keep up the journalistic excellence....


July 13, 2007 at 10:04 AM  
Blogger DouglasSchaefer said...

Okay, I can't say I'm shocked with you posting a picture of an African woman with her breasts exposed. I seem to remember something about you and National Geographics when we were kids too.

I realized that the JFFL is about a 2 on your priority list right now but any thoughts on how you want to handle your team during the draft? We're trying to nail down a date and I think it will probably be while you are still in Africa. My thoughts are that the computer can draft a team for you or you could have someone else draft your team (someone not in the league or of course, Richard). Let me know what you think.

Keep having fun and stay safe!

July 16, 2007 at 12:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is the only picture that you actually printed and carried around with you for the trip. I had no idea why, but now, after reading the previous comments, it all coming together.

I can't believe I let you sleep in my tent.

You are disgusting.


July 22, 2007 at 11:33 PM  

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